| Col Legno (DK)
Musikalske studier fra Institut for Musik og Musikterapi, Aalborg
Universitet og Nordjysk Musikkonservatorium.
| Einblicke
The journal of Professional Association of Music Therapists in Germany (BVM)
| IFMR News
A web-based publication of the International Foundation for Music Research
| Infomt, Revista de Musicoterapi
Published with 1 isssue a semester by Universidade de Ribeirão Preto
| International
Latin-American Journal of Music Therapy
Published by Ambito de Docencia e Investigaciķn en Musicoterapia (ADIMU)
(Center for Training and Research in Music Therapy)
| Journal of Music Therapy (USA)
Published by American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), serves as a
repository for the original ideas, discoveries, clinical documentation, and
ongoing research in the field of music therapy.
| Musicae
Tthe Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM)
publishes empirical, theoretical and critical articles directed at
increasing understanding of how music is perceived, represented and
| MusicTherapyENews
To subscribe: send an email
with the text:
subscribe MusicTherapyENews<Your First Name> <Your Last Name>
| Music Therapy Perspectives
Published by American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), designed to appeal
to a wide readership, both inside and outside the profession of music
| Musikkterapi (NO)
Published by the Norwegian Association of Music Therapy
| Musik og Terapi(DK)
Utgitt av Dansk Forbund for Musikkterapi
| Musik-,Tanz- und Kunsttherapie (GER)
Journal for Art Therapies in Education, Welfare and Healt Care.
| Musiktherapeutische
Umschau (GER)
Published by German Association for Music Therapy (DGMT).
| Psychology of Music
Psychology of Music (ISSN 0305-7356) is the journal of the SRPMME . The aim
of the society is to provide an international forum for researchers working
in the fields of psychology of music and music education, to encourage the
exchange of ideas and to disseminate research findings.
| Revista Espaņola de
Musicoterapia (Spain)
Published by The Associaciķ Catalana de Musicoterāpia
| therapie kreativ (GER)
Journal for creative social- and psychotherapy (former Sozialtherapie).
Published by Zukunftswerstatt Tanz, Musik, Gestaltung gemeinnützige GmbH,
Udo Baer.
| Tijdschrift voor
Creatieve Therapie (NL)
Dutch journal for creative therapy including music therapy. Published by
Nederlands Vereniging voor Creative Therapie (Dutch Association for Creative
| Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy
is a free online web-journal created to support the discursive practices of
music therapists around the world. |
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