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ARTICLES in the field of Sound Therapy

Know of an article we should add? email us the file or link 

Articles remain property of the copyright holder- some are hosted on our site whereas others are links to external sites. We endeavor to host as many as possible locally but are often unable to contact the author-copyright holder for permission.  

Important note: These links are provided for information purposes only, links here do not imply IASTs support for the views expressed in these articles. If there is a link to your page you would like removed for some reason please let us know and we will remove it immediately. 

(Synopsis's of articles are being added as quickly as possible)

General or not yet categorized articles

CHI Institute presents conclusive studies proving healing effect of sound - Printed in the Townsend letter for doctors and patients

Crossing Over; Healing Music for the Dying by David Gordon

Sound and Healing- by Jule Klotter- printed in the Towsend letter for doctors and patients

"Sound and Silence" excerpt from The Healing Forces of Music by Randall McClellan Ph.D.

Sound Therapy  by Liz Swain- printed in the Gale Enciclopedia of Alternative Medicine

That Profound Sound by Zacciah Blackburn


Voice Work/Toning/Chanting/Overtone Singing

A-U-M- Silence.. the ancient sound of "OM" by David Gordon

Healing Vibrations by James D'angelo Member- Creator of Healing Vibrations

Nada Yoga (Union through Sound) Part 1: Meditation with Music by David Gordon

Nada Yoga (Union through Sound) Part 2: The Yoga of Voice by David Gordon

Toning for Health by Michelle Averard  Founding Member

The Healing Power of Overtone Chant by Nestor Kornblum Founding Member- Creator of Harmonic Integration

Toning for Health; The healing Aspects of Toning by Ted Andrews

Toning and Yoga Applying self-generated sound to the practice of Yoga by Marcia Goldberg (Shantipriya)

Audible Prana; The power of vibrating breath by David Gordon


Biographies and Interviews

Following in the Footsteps of the Drumming Goddessses  by Andy Doerschuk
Drum! magazine
Article about Layne Redmond- Author of 'When the Drummers Were Women' and considered an expert on drumming

Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis 1920-2001- by Joan Schonbeck - printed in the Gale Enciclopedia of Alternative medicine

The Sound of Healing: An Interview with Jonathan Goldman  By Ravi Dykeman




Daughters of the Drum by Layne Redmond
Link to a short graphical and literary piece on Layne Redmonds website about women and drumming