Created by Tracey Ann Moule
This system is based on many years of working with people who have learning
disabilities, dementia and acquired brain injury.
Category (s)
Music therapy
Sound sources used (General category)
Voice (Chant, Overtoning, Toning, etc...)
Live acoustic instruments
Specific Soundsource (s)
Piano, guitar, percussion instruments, string instruments etc, any
instrument a client expresses an interest in playing.
History of System / Description of System
The TraceyAnnMusicSystem enables those with dementia/acquired brain
injury/learning disabilities in Care Homes to learn/relearn the piano
if at all able (and other instruments is an interest is expressed ). For those
who haven't ever played, to show them they CAN play the piano in a meaningful
relaxing way and to use music to bring forward memories that may still be there
but not often thought about. I have singing groups where some participants can
hardly speak but love to SING! I have residents who played the piano years ago,
and now with failing memories thought it would not be possible to play again,
and yet,
with guidance and support from myself, can play for others in their Home to sing
along to.
I've heard so many times in the past 'I'm too old for that
dear' and yet I have people play for others in their Home to sing along to.
The benefits of music to health are becoming much more
realized in the Care Home setting, with the 'feel good' factor continuing to
last beyond the end of the session.
Scientific Studies
Contact info for this system:
Name: Tracey Moule
City Uckfield
State/Province East Sussex
Country Great
Phone +44