
Lambdona Harmonic Keyboard  

Created by Barbara Hero from Pythagorean Lambdoma

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Category (s)
Music therapy
Sound as a complement to other therapies
Sound in conjunction with other elements
Original system

Sound sources used (General category)
Voice (Chant, Overtoning, Toning, etc...)
Live acoustic instrument
Specifically generated sounds (Pink noise.....)
Recordings of any of the above

Specific Soundsource (s)
Specially designed Software, Lambdoma Keyboard, TetraHarp

Description of System:
The sounds are used for personal awareness of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being through private sessions and presentations. They have been used as sound therapy in Drug Rehabilitation centers.

There are no diagnostic methods used.

Articles Published
Hero B: Some Effects of Whole Number Ratio Intervals in Music. Music in Human Adaptation, edited by D.J. and J.D. Schneck, Saint Louis, MO: Virginia Polytechic Institute/MMB Music Inc. 1997. pp.107-132.
Hero B., Foulkrod R.M.:The Lambdoma Matrix and Harmonic Intervals, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 18, No 2, 1999 pp.61-73.
Hero B., Foulkrod R.M.:Integrative Music of the Lambdoma, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, July-Sept. 2000. Vol. 35, No 3,224-232.

Contact info for this system
Name: Barbara Hero
Organization: International Lambdoma Research Institute
Phone: 207-646-7950  (USA)
FAX: 207-646-7950    (USA)
Email: lambdoma@gwi.net
URL: http://www.lambdoma.com

Registered Practitioners (1)
Name: Barbara Hero
Organization: International Lambdoma Research Institute
Phone: 207-646-7950  (USA)
FAX: 207-646-7950    (USA)
Email: lambdoma@gwi.net
URL: http://www.lambdoma.com

Registered Teachers/Schools/Centers (0)


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