BAST method of Sound Therapy
academy of Sound Therapy)

Created by Lyz Cooper

Category (s)
Original system:
Ancestral/Ethnic practices or techniques:
Sound sources used (General category)
Voice (Chant, Overtoning, Toning, etc...)
Live acoustic instruments
Tuning Forks
Bowls (Tibetan, Crystal, etc...)
Description of System:
Sounds are played around the client, allowing their energy system to be balanced, therefore allowing for the body to heal itself.
A full case history is taken. A 'scan' is done with a bell or chime to determine which areas are out of balance.
Scientific Studies
None currently published
Contact info for this system
Name: Lyz Cooper
Organization: British Academy of Sound Therapy
Phone: 00 44 (0)1798 812550 UK
URL: http://www.sacredsound.net

Registered Practitioners (1)
Name: Lyz Cooper
Organization: British Academy of Sound Therapy
Phone: 00 44 (0)1798 812550 UK
URL: http://www.sacredsound.net
Teachers/Schools/Centers (1)
Contact: Lyz Cooper
Organization: The British Academy of Sound Therapy
Address: PO Box 1111
City: Pulborough
Postal Code: RH20 2WJ
Country: UK
Phone: 00 44 (0)1798 812559
FAX: 00 44 (0)1798 814743
Email: soundworks@sacredsound.net
URL: www.sacredsound.net